You are viewing Keyword: family child care


Finding Child Care in the Denver Metro Area

Mile High United Way's 2-1-1 is a free and confidential community referral service that connects callers with resources which provide food, shelter, rent assistance, clothing, child care options and other types of community assistance. Trained referral specialists are multi-lingual and available to help individuals with real-time resources in our community.  

National Association for Family Child Care

NAFCC is a national membership organization working with more than 400 State and local family child care provider associations across the United States. The mission of NAFCC is to support the profession of family child care and to encourage high-quality care for children. The focus of NAFCC is to provide technical assistance to family child care associations. This assistance is provided through developing leadership, addressing issues of diversity, and promoting quality and professionalism through NAFCC's Family Child Care Accreditation.