You are viewing Keyword: professional development


Child Care Exchange

Child Care Exchange is committed to supporting early childhood professionals worldwide in their efforts to craft early childhood environments where adults and children thrive – environments that foster friendship, curiosity, self-esteem, joy, and respect; where the talents of all are fully challenged and justly rewarded. Since 1978, Exchange Press has promoted the exchange of ideas among leaders in early childhood programs worldwide through Exchange magazine, books, and training resources.    

University of Colorado Denver School of Education & Human Development

As the largest graduate school of education in Colorado, and with undergraduate options, the University of Colorado School of Education & Human Development offers advantages to students seeking to begin or advance a career in education or mental health. They also offer continuing and professional education certificates and endorsements as building blocks toward advanced degrees or as a way to increase your effectiveness in your current role. University of Colorado School of Education & Human Development is a sponsor of the 2021 Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference.[:es]As the largest graduate school of education in Colorado, and with recently added undergraduate options, the University of Colorado School of Education & Human Development offers advantages to students seeking to begin or advance a career in education or mental health. They also offer continuing and professional education certificates and endorsements as building blocks toward advanced degrees or as a way to increase your effectiveness in your current role. 1091  

PDIS Information Registration

This is the PDIS (Professional Development & Information System) portion of Colorado Shines. PDIS supports a variety of early childhood professionals at all levels of experience and education. It tracks training and education and provides high quality online professional development.  

Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute

An extensive collection of research on issues facing young children and families, including topics like developmental disabilities, diversity, early care and education, physical and social health, professional development, and public policy and evaluation.