New year, new beginnings

You may have heard the saying that “the only constant in life is change.” Right now, we are working with that constant in a big way at Denver’s Early Childhood Council.

Lately there have been many staffing changes within our organization, in both leadership and in program-specific areas. We want to acknowledge that this has been an uncomfortable and jarring experience at times, and we realize it has had a tangible impact on our delivery of services.

To give background and context, we had a remarkable staff retention rate of 100% during the first year of the pandemic. Our team rolled up our sleeves, navigated it together, and supported each other through what the world knows was a very uncertain and difficult time. We knew we had to be there for our early childhood community, and we showed up to do our part in helping local early childhood programs stay safe and stay open. Early in the pandemic we pivoted quickly to create remote training opportunities and helped distribute PPE, cleaning supplies, vaccines, and eventually COVID tests. We developed more business service supports, career navigation resources, and opened more channels for child care provider peer sharing and learning, and we adapted to new approaches to coaching and navigation in this new reality.

In the wake of the pandemic, members of our staff began branching out and pursuing new positions. This has been happening over the past two years, both within and outside of the Council. Some moved to other cities and states, and even to other countries. Some found opportunities outside of the Council that were better suited to their skill sets and career goals. Others focused inward and leaned into family challenges and responsibilities. Many of these changes happened in quick succession, and as a result, we have been experiencing significant shifts in our organizational makeup.

But let us reassure you: it’s going to be okay! While we are in a transitional phase, we are starting this new year with optimism and a refreshed sense of purpose. We are excited about the opportunity for new directions and have spent the first week back from winter break brainstorming with staff about how the Council can evolve into its next best iteration. We have been getting insightful feedback, all with the best interests of child care providers and the families you serve at the heart of the discussions.

We recognize that our relationships with programs and individuals in our community are among our most important assets, and that we all crave transparent communication and understanding. We want you to know that we are working to correct imbalances, and that we are on a path to creating something that works better for everyone. We humbly appreciate your patience as we work through these challenges, and we look forward to serving you in 2023.


the Staff at Denver’s Early Childhood Council